Species analysis
Statistical exploration
Classification trees
Black-crowned Night-Heron
Occurred the most disproportionately in hexagons with more than 4%
wetlands and wet shrubland little or no subalpine fir - lodgepole pine
montane conifer and with less than 2% of their area as recently
cutover/burnt forest. Where less wetlands and wet shrubland, more
likely to be associated with low June precipitation (hex. avg.) and
warm May maximum temperature (hex. med.). The logistic regression
analysis showed positive or negative association with lakes/reservoirs,
wetlands and wet shrubland, July maximum temperature (hex. med.),
and-to a lesser degree-number of land cover types, road density,
May maximum temperature (hex. med.), topographic variation, and the
extent of public land.
Classification trees
Hexagons: using ONHP land cover classification (accuracy score: 87.67)
Squares: using ONHP land cover classification (accuracy score: 97.40)
Hexagons: using AVHRR land cover classification (accuracy score: 86.28)